Command - PrB_MacroLanguages

Parabuild contains a lot of dwg files with macros that contain text strings.

These strings are always written in English, so that they can be automatically translated to other languages with the help of the tables inside this command.

This command allows you to manage the text translations of :

  • Texts used in macros and shown in the Review macro dialog box
  • Macro names shown in the macro selection dialog box. Parabuild attempts to translates the dwg filename with the help of the tables in this command.
  • Texts used in the ribbon and toolbars of Parabuild

When first starting the command, you are prompted for the table that you want to edit :

The purpose of each table is as follows :

Menu - Do not modify this table. It can be overwritten after performing a Parabuild update! This table is specifically used for translating all the texts used in the ribbon and toolbars. The purpose is to have just 1 CUI file for Parabuild in English. The CUI files in other languages are generated automatically based on the English CUI file, with the help of this table.

Standard -  Do not modify this table. It can be overwritten after performing a Parabuild update. This table is used for translation of macro dialog boxes and macro names.

UserStrings - This table is reserved for end users. It will not be overwritten by a Parabuild update.

After choosing the desired table you will see the table :

In the very first column you fill in the reference name. This is the name of a macro or a variable in the reference language (English).

In the other columns you can enter the translated text for that reference name, for each language.