Dynamic properties

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Dynamic properties are properties that the user can assign to Parabuild objects.

This allows additional properties to be created to supplement the properties already offered by Parabuild.

Additional properties can be created using the Global settings dialog window . All properties shown here are also available and adaptable in the AutoCAD Properties. Every dynamic property also has a column in the part list (also on workshop drawings) that can be enabled/disabled.


Every row represents a property.

The first column contains the name of the property. This name is used everywhere as a reference.

The second column, type, can contain the determined value of the property:

Decimal number: e.g. 23

Comma-number: e.g. 25.6

Text: e.g. stock nr 5

Combination text: This can be used to contain a fixed number of predetermined texts. These texts should be entered in the last column ‘combination’. The texts should be separated with a comma. E.g. “steel,concrete,aluminium” will allow the user to make a selection of these three materials.

The remaining four columns, all of which are ticked, determine for which elements the property shall be used for.

After setting the properties and restarting AutoCAD, all properties will be automatically added to all drawings to be opened or to those already open.