Command - PrB_DlgEditMacro

This dialog box is useful for having an overview of what a macro does, and also for editing the macro.

This dialog box can only edit one macro at the same time.

Just like most dialog boxes the upper options have influence on the bottom options. If you modify something at the upper options, the options below it will modify. We will first discuss the 4 buttons and the list on top of the dialog box

Other macro: Click on this if you want to edit another macro.

List: This is the list with all the modules in the macro. Select the module that you wish to edit. The options in the 4 tabs below this dialog box are the options of the module that you choose here.

+: Adds a new module.

Rename: Modifies the name of the module that was selected.

X: Removes the module that was selected.

See Also: