Command -  PrB_Beams

Draws beams between columns


On activating this command, the Add a beam dialog will appear prompting you to select the profile to be drawn, together with the level for the new beam. If levels have already been established, they will be reflected here, additionally, you have the opportunity to create new levels.

You will then be prompted to Select the grid lines, when done press <Enter>.

In this example the blue beams are drawn automatically after selecting the 4 blue grid lines.

A condition is that the grid line that you selected needs to have at least 2 columns located on them.

Another condition is that the height that you choose should not be higher than the height of the columns.

Otherwise the tool will not draw any beams.

Moving or adjusting the columns will automatically adjust the beams.

The beams cannot move independently of the columns, unless if the profile is disconnected from the macro.