Exercise videos

Each installation of Parabuild, including the trial, contains a series of exercises.
These exercises will get you started with the basic functions of Parabuild.
By following these exercises, you will learn how to use the Context modeler, how to draw and modify connections and bracings, and how to generate output such as Bills of Materials, workshop drawings, CNC files, and General Arrangement drawings.

Most of the exercises have been replicated in the following videos :

Introduction to the exercises

This introduction video shows you where you can find the exercises in Parabuild and how to use the exercises dialog window.



Context modeler exercises

A2 : Grids and Levels

This exercise shows how to draw a reference grid and establish some levels


A3 : Drawing Columns

In this exercise, it is shown how to draw columns which are set on the reference grid.


A4 : Drawing Pitched rafters

This exercise shows how to draw pitched rafters between columns


A5 : Drawing beams

In this exercise, it is shown how to draw horizontal beams between columns, and beams between pitched rafters. We’ll also look at options for drawing floor beams or joists


A6 : Drawing smaller parts

This exercise shows how to draw additional plates and smaller parts attached to members


A7 : Modifying objects

In this exercise, it is shown how to modify objects drawn with the Context Modeler


Connection and Macro exercises : Basics

B1 : Baseplates

This exercise shows how to draw baseplates.


B2 : Connections between columns and beams

In this exercise, we will look at connections between beams and columns.


B3: Drawing simple bracings and copying them

This exercise shows how to a simple bracing and copy it to other parts of the drawing


B4: Drawing trusses

In this exercise, it is shown how to draw trusses between columns


Connection exercises : Comprehensive

C1: Endplates

This exercise shows how to draw endplates against the surface of a part and against a line.


C2: Apex connections

In this exercise, it is shown how to draw and modify an Apex Connection.


C3: Beam to Column (Haunch)

This exercise shows how to draw a beam to Column Haunch connection


C4: Other connections

In this exercise, the following topics are handled : 

  • Drawing a beam splice connection
  • Drawing a connection with 3 base profiles
  • Drawing and modifying a Beam to Column connection, then saving and re-using the modified connection macro’s parameters
  • Propagating the Values of a connection


C5: Separate connection parts

This exercise shows how to substitute connections from another group, how to merge macros, and how to copy merged a macro to other parts of the drawing.


Macro exercises : Comprehensive

D1: Bracing in more difficult circumstances

This exercise takes a closer look at drawing, modifying, and copying of larger macros such as bracings and trusses.


D2: Bracing without gusset plates

In this exercise, it is shown how to draw a bracing without gusset plates. Also, how to draw a bolted connection and copy that to other parts of the drawing and then copy / mirror the entire bracing to other parts of the building.


D3: Assembling a truss yourself

This exercise shows how to draw a truss based on a model line, how to connect it to the columns, and how to copy it together with all of its component connections.


Generating output exercises : Basics

E1: Bills and CNC files

This exercise will provide a quick introduction to generating output, including Bill of materials, DXF files, CNC files and BIM files for the communication with other software.


E2: Generating workshop drawings

This exercise shows how to generate workshop drawings for Plates, Profiles, and Assemblies.


E3: Creating General Arrangement drawings

In this exercise, it is shown to create and modify a General Arrangement drawing with multiple views.


Generating output exercises : Comprehensive

F1: Modifying bills

This exercise shows how to generate and configure Bill of Materials.


F2: Workshop drawings : Comprehensive

In this exercise, it is shown how to assign phases to some parts, and then generate only the shop drawings of a particular phase.